Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Love Shower, part 1

My mom and my maid of honor, Jenny, threw a travel themed bridal shower for me. Each gift had to represent a different area of the world, either by content or wrapping paper. It was really fun to see the creative ways my friends incorporated my traveling experience into these gifts! I'll post more about the shower later, but first, here's a quiz to see how well you can do guessing the countries (or states) these gifts represented. Good luck! (And no guessing for those of you who were at the shower...that's cheating!) :)

1. Salsa bowl, margarita pitchers, margarita glasses

2. Wine glasses, Red Bicyclette Wine, Corkscrew

3. Cheese slicer, cheese shakers, cheese grater, and beer cheese soup mix

4. Splatter screen, bacon cooker, oil and vinegar holders, sink scraper

5. An assortment of ales, beer steins

6. Gravy boat, towels

7. 101 Elephant Jokes (and fine china...but I wouldn't mix elephants and china)

8. see picture below...

Bonus Question: I won't tell you what was in this bag, but the country was "Djibouti"...you can guess the gift on your own.


  1. 1. Mexico
    5. GERMANY! :)
    7. I have no idea but I'm guessing it came from Jenny. :)

    I know France and Italy are in there, but can't decide which is which, so won't guess. :)

  2. 1. Mexico
    2. Napa Valley, or France, (either way I'm jealous!)
    3. Wisconsin
    4. You were at Aunt Rowene & Uncle Joe's!? haha
    5. Germany
    6. Southern state..Georgia?
    7. Asia? India? I give!
    Thanks for the brain trivia, that was fun! Cute site too! Love, your Hoosier cousin, Shelli
